Salam Semua...Jom sambung story
The next day, after breakfast (breakfast free kat hotel), we went to Eminonu for a Bosphorus Cruise ride..
Dari Sultanahmet, naik tram hala ke Kabatas, after 2 stops (Gulhane & Sirkeci), stop ke-3 (Eminonu), kite turun. Pagi tu, kami terhegeh2 carik kaunter Istanbulkad, rupanya kat Sultanahmet x ada.. Tengah terbangak2 tu, terjumpa satu Romanian couple bawak bag besar nak balik...Borak2...Mereka dngn baik hatinya sold their cards to us for 8tl (each card had 4tl balance)...Seperti org mengantuk disorongkan bantallah kami.. Suka sangat!
Tengah seberang jalan nak ke seberang sana nk p borak (sorry, arrow yg tunjuk ke arah
Romanian couple tu dh hilang plak). He..he... Kat sini ala2 koboi sikit..cross laluan tram sesuka hatimu aja..
Nampak x cart kat ujung jalan sana..? x nampak..? Sila lihat gambr di bawah |
Bottom: Nampak x...? Mereka buat mcm jalan mereka sendiri...
Top: Suasana di waktu pagi... Kedai belum bukak |
Org kata, x sah ke Istanbul kalau x naik Bosphorus Cruise. There are many cruise operators that u can choose from but the most famous one is the public one (lupa plak nama syarikat die) tp opis dielah paling besar kat Eminonu tu. They have 2 types of routes.
one is the long route (25tl) and the short one (12tl). The long route is about 6 hours coz they will drop u at a village called Anadolu Kavagi..Kat situ bolehlah kalau nak makan2 Fish n Chips..Or, u can just opt for the short route...x payah turun..1 hour pergi and 1 hour balik... U can even get a one way tix for the long route. I think it's about 13tl. Then, u can catch a bus to get back to the European side.
This was Eminonu Station. 5 minutes from Sultanahmet.
Kt blkg tu, Yeni Camii @ New Mosque. |
However, we didn't go onto the public cruise as the time for the short cruise is 2.30 pm. Malas nak tunggu. We chose other company's cruise for 10tl. Oh ya..long cruise mereka hanya pukul 10.30 pagi sahaja..
While waiting for the 10.30 cruise, snap2
gambar dulu... |
Even though weather forecast mengatakan hari hujan, tp alhamdulillah, hari panas...Bestnya naik cruise disinari matahari...Iyelah, nama pon forecast..x semestinya betulkan..? On the cruise, we met with a Singaporean family. They just arrived in the morning... Sampai tertido2 anak dara die dlm cruise, dek letih kot... I met with a few Singaporean groups when we were there. Never knew Singaporeans love Turkey. Perhaps because their currency is higher...
TIPS FOR MALAYSIANS: NEVER EVER CHANGE YR MONEY TO TURKISH LIRA IN MALAYSIA. CHANGE TO USD OR EURO, THEN CHANGE TO LIRA AT ATARTURK AIRPORT. SELEBIHNYA, TUKAR AJA DI ISTANBUL. Bukan apa, masa sebelum p, i ingat nak tukar sikit di Msia, lepas tu baru tukar yg lain kat sana. there was this one money changer near my house. I surveyed the rate and they quoted me rm2.60 per 1TL..Mak aiii...cekik darah betol! X jadik tukar. I changed all my money to USD and Euro. At Atarturk Airport, i changed USD100 dulu.. Their rate at that time was RM1.82 per 1TL. Can u see the difference? Gila mahal kalau tukar kat KL. The rest of my money, i changed at Sultanahmet for RM1.73-RM1.76 per 1TL.
Jom, let's check out the photos that we snapped during the cruise...
Yg ni feri biasa...Boleh pakai Istanbulkad kalau naik.
Pergi Karakoy rasanya. Rate sama aje mcm tram
dan bas. |
Some of the sights along the way |
Other sights |
And more... |
After Bosphorus Cruise, perut pon dah lapar... What I love about Turkey is u can always eat the food sold here...Mcm kat Malaysia...
Ramainya umat di hari Ahad @ Eminonu |
Org kat sini suka fishing. Penuh jambatan mereka bersidai mancing. Arrow dh hilang lg... |
Is the jellyfish dangerous? coz teringat cerita Will Smith berlakon tu |
The other end of the sea..Atas org fishing..Bawah plenty of restaurants to dine. Prices vary... |
These people sell fish kebab on the boat. 5TL per piece. |
Top: mula2 makan fish kebab from the boat, then, x kenyang..
Bottom: Makan kat restoran plak.. Personally, the fish kebab from the
boat tasted better than the one at the resto. My own personal
view la...Dif people dif taste... Price is the same. |
There are plenty of restos along the rimasla... asal kita lalu aja, they will stop u...asking u to eat at their resto..So, u imagine if each resto asks u every time u pass by, bila nak sampai hujung daa...
Buah berangan rasanya... |
Sampai Eminonu jangan lupa belik Istanbukad or top up yr kad...:)
To be cont...
bestnya! teringat pulak cite istanbul aku datang... minum apple tea atas cruise tu. betol sedap ke apple tea tu? ibarat tea perisa epal? hehehe
ReplyDeleteDear, apple tea tu sedap bangattttt! Rasanya cam ada spices jugak dalam tea tu beside the apple.. kalau minum time2 sejuk ni lagikkkk best!
DeleteAyu suka eh..? saya x suka la...pasal spices tu la kot...
Delete@john: ada nampak org jual atas cruise..2TL rasanya.. but i didn't buy coz x suka.. lagik satu rasa rugi..ha..ha.. kat hotel pernah rasa sebelum tu... kat hotel dpt free flow of all sorts of teas...keh..keh...
Salam ... Cepat cepat sambung n3. Btw, duk kat otel mana ek
ReplyDeleteHe..he..menyusul nanti... Saya dok Angels Home Hotel..dkt Sultanahamet tp kena jalan dr main street. Nanti saya buat entry pasal hotel...
Deletemai ai..ramai orang memancing, boleh dapat ikan ker tu...tip yang bagus ni pasal money changer, kalau aku, memang tukar dekat area umah jelah kot sebab malas nak susah dekat sana nanti, tak sangka pulak lebih murah...
ReplyDeleteMemang ramai..ada yg dpt ikan... balik rumah teros masak..he..he..
DeleteMemang, aku pon suka tukar kat Mesia tp dalm kes lira..x yah tukar kat mesia.. rugi aja... lagipon turkish lira susah nak dpt kat mesia..dlm 30 MC tu, mungkin 1 yg ada...
bot tu yang lisa naik time IAD tu kan?? wahhhhh... makanan2 tu nak beli sebelah mana? europe or asia?
ReplyDeleteEntah la zette..x tengok lagik IAD..keh..keh... fish kebab tu ke? yg tu kat eminonu..lepas turun cruise, terus makan...Eminonu is at the European side.
Deleteke istanbul pulak ! aku mampu tengok istanbul aku datan jer. hahaha.. kasi letak pic besar2.x puas tengok kecik2..hehe
ReplyDeleteAla..thn ni tngk Istanbul aku datang..lain tahun, istanbul aku on the way dtg la... Gambar? insyallah, akan diusahakan...gmbr besar lembab load
DeleteYong tak berape gemor sangat ikan tu...byk tulang...hidung ni pulak bau cam hanyior jer sikit ikan tu...walau dan letak limo tu....tapi sos cili yang Yong bawak sedikit sebanyak menambah perisa kat ikan tu....hehe...
ReplyDeleteItula..yg dkt dlm bot tu ok..x bau yg kat resto tu saya x suka sngt..roti keras jugak tp saya mkn ja...try something new..kat sini x da..he..he...
DeleteBnyk tulang ke yong..? dua2 tmpt saya mkn x da plak tulang...die buat mcm ala2 boneless fish...
DeleteOoo rupanya tukar duit kat sana lagi untung ye. Ok noted
ReplyDeletegi memana elok bawak dollar atau Euro, tukor kat local currency bila sampai. Cuaca di musim dingin boleh berubah2 dlm masa 5 minit.
oohh my... tqs for sharing.. rasa meronta2 nak pi sana... tapi tapi tapi...
ReplyDeleteNekcik suka kat kumkapi tu..resto ikan cantik cantik..ohh istanbul saya mau datang lagi!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSalam FAR...bila nak sambung ni....aduhai uncle dah sabar dah ni....
ReplyDeleteTq for reading, uncle. He..he..slow sikit coz bz with work..maklomlah thn baru...
ReplyDeleteOrang semua dah ke Istanbul. Saya je belum.
NA dah pergi bnyak negara... I'm sure u'll be here one fine day...insyaallah..
DeleteThis article is very helpful! Awesome way to make my day better! Thank you!
ReplyDeletebosphorus cruise tour