Pls click here for
Sci Fi & Ancient Egypt entry.
Pls click here for
Lost World entry.
Welcome to Far Far Away... |
Shrek's Castle can be seen from outside USS while u're still on the bus. |
Nearer view of Shrek's Castle |
Next to the Lost World is Far Far Away Land...Ahhhh....very dreamy. Young kids esp the girls will love this area. If u're lucky enough, u'll get to see Shrek and Fiona as well as other characters. So, our 1st stop here was Shrek 4D. Sbelum masok dalam auditorium, kita dengar dulu mereka bercerita di luar which was, to me, a bit bored... No photos were snapped inside as they didn't allow us to use our camera inside the auditorium.
Outside the castle |
Top left: The 2 kids running happily into the castle for Shrek 4D, top
right: while queuing at Shrek's, tetiba mcm kenal ja group tuh..Azah
and the gang rupanya....,bottom right: waiting for Shrek 3D. Waiting line
was 15 minutes. |
After Shrek 4D ended, we exited at Fairy Godmother's Potion Shop. Sangat cute kedai ni.. semua jual benda comel2....:) And, inside the shop, there is this one
not so popular the most unpopular ride in the history of USS...ha..ha..x da org nak naik..So, when we saw no people queuing there except for a few kids, we went on the ride..mcm hape aja.....jalan 1 saat, berenti...jalan 1 saat berenti... bila nak sampai mcm ni? no wonder no one wants to go on the ride, bosan tahap gaban, sampai penjaga tu tanya setiap org yg turun dari ferris wheel tu, do u want another ride..? And no one nodded.
Inilah die ride yg bosan tu...Magic Potion Spin, right inside Fairy Godmother's
potion shop. |
Inside Fairy Godmother's Potion Shop. faris tu dah bosan la tu
bergambar... |
After the boring magic potion spin, we went to see Donkey LIVE. This interactive show is scheduled every 15 minutes. No photos as we were not allowed to snap photos inside the show.
The MC for Donkey Show |
Nak dijadikkan cerita, tengah tunggu Donkey Show, suddenly i realized my plastic bags full of t-shirts were nowhere to be found. I remembered asking Faris to hold the bags for a while since i wanted to snap some photos. Huh, typical Faris, die tinggalkan kat luar, atas bench! Apa lagik, pecut sekuat hati, went to the bench and alhamdulillah, there they were, 2 bulky Madagascar plastic bags on the bench...elok aja duduk kat situ... Punyalah panic... Ada at least 4 pasang t-shirts dlm tu, kalau hilang menangis x berlagu..huk..huk,..
Kat sinilah dak Faris tinggalkan bag2 tu... This is the eating area, dekat
hujung sana sikit ada benches. |
After Donkey Show, ternampak plak si Cute in Boots ni.. |
After this, adala naik a few more rides yg x mencabar such as Enchanted Airways and King's Julian Ride. For no reason, I had missed A crate Adventure... I didn't realize the location and i accidentally skipped it.
Welcome to the World of Madagascar! |
After we finished all the rides, Aini and Faris accompanied by their new baby-sitter, Ustaz Sham...ha..ha.. repeated Transformers a few times while I went to see Lights, Camera, Actions. This was my favourite! X sia2 pergi sorang2. Basically, this is how it goes: The setting is inside a boathouse in New York City. The calm and peaceful scenario suddenly grows dim and heavy rain begins to pour. All of a sudden, lightning and thunders together with strong wind fill the room. Later, you will see extreme fire, windows bashing away and signboards crashing from the roof. And lastly, out of nowhere, a giant ship slamming through the boathouse. To my surprise, the platform that I was standing on moved too. Tiba2 aja...ingatkan faulty, rupanya it was part of the stunt...
Left: The light outside the auditorium, bottom right: the MC
introducing the show. Very cool guy... |
He..he.. ini aja yg dapat.. dah la gelap, tangan ketaq, angin kuat... Basically
this is how the setting looks like during the tornado. Tiba2 tingkap runtuh,
and fire comes out from nowhere. U can really feel the heat of the fire. I'm
not so sure whether it's a real fire or a fake one. |
Fire filling in the thin air. |
On the other hand, this nice photo is courtesy of |
This was the last show of my trip to USS. After Lights, Camera, i just walked around Hollywood and New York Street hoping to bump into any of the characters.
Sesame Street characters. Ada sorang lagi tertinggal, Ernie. Tempat lepak mereka ni memang hanya dekat public library only... I just assumed coz I saw them there twice. |
Top: Street performance. Bottom: Betty Boo and Marilyn |
Sekitar Hollywood n New York. Very impressive. Even though I've never been to both places, but i felt like I was there already... |
Outside USS |
That's the end of my adventure trip to USS Singapore and Singapore. Thanxs to all who have spent time reading the posts. Overall, i'm very satisfied with this trip. But, i must say, i will go to Spore again in the near future to visit all the other places that I've missed. Even the Maritime Museum hari tu pon x sempat p. I still have the tix and it's valid for 6 months. Overall, my total expenses including food were about +-RM360.00 [not inclusive goods]. Yg mahalnya pon tiket USS tu... What did I buy there? I bought a few key chains (about 10), fridge magnets (USS n Spore), USS t-shirts and HRC t-shirts. Faris bought 2 autobots from Transformers Supply Vault. At first, he wanted to buy 5 autobots..[ish, meroyan ape budak ni...mahal tu!] After negotiating with me, he bought 2.. Balik KL die menyesal sebab belik 2 aja..and he dragged me to all Toys R Us looking for exactly the same mode of figurines..mana nak ada jumpa..itu memang ada kat USS aja...Naya..naya...!
Anyway, before I stop, this last photo is for all of u... Semua org pon akan tangkap gambar oscar ni... Even though u're not supermom, terima ajalah ya.... Till then, bye!
bila lah nak ke sini agak nya. ke singapore tu kira biasalah tapi tak sampai2 ke sini..
ReplyDeleteInsyaallah.,kak yan...satu hari nanti sampai tu..he..he..dekat je pong..:)
DeleteI read all ur post on USS...mannn..sounds fun! hahahha...
ReplyDeleteTQ 4 reading...! Yes, it's very entertaining! Really good to release stress..he..he..!
DeleteSalam Yong,
ReplyDeletehuh berbaloi2 gi USS...takyah gi Florida.
he..he..ya..ya.. tp sini panas, florida panas gak ker cengini..?
Deletecant wait to go there too !!
ReplyDeleteHe.he..hi Liza! tq 4 visitng...yup, u def will have fun there!