Ohh... before that, I almost forgot...
And now, I shall continue with our journey to our highlight of the trip,
USS Singapore. We were told to be at the lobby as early as 7.30am. So, breakfast was early and it was fine. Quite a number of selections to choose frm. I didn't eat much, too excited to go. 7.20am, i was already at the lobby, waiting for the bus. FYI, our package includes USS tix, a night stay at Selesa Hotel (with breakfast), and return transfer to USS. Our group consisted of 30 people including the kids....Ramai kan?
Clockwise: Cecilia n daughter, Azah n family, Mr Karim n wifey
& Syida kecik with hubby |
Also going...
Clockwise: Im and mummy, Kak Imah, & dua budak kecik kat bawah tu,
Faris (my son) and Ainie (my cousin) |
Ada lagik tp cukuplah tu...
According to the bus driver, aka our tour guide, we needed to
depart as early as possible to 'sail through' the jam at the checkpoint and he was right, we arrived at USS, 20 minutes to 10am...just nice for our entry at 10am.
These 2 kids were the most excited ones: On their way to the entrance. |
X sah la ke USS if u don't earmark a photo here...;) |
While waiting for the gate to open |
Spotted Po entertaining the kids at the entrance |
Alhamdulillah, while we were there, the crowd was ok! That's what worried me the most. I knew it was going to be a big crowd since it was a school hol and USS is a very widely known theme park but at least it was still manageable. Waiting line was short, mostly about 10-15 minutes. Only one or two rides needed more than 15m and we opted for the single rider. If I'm not mistaken, i only took the single rider once as all the other rides had short Qs. Some people who bought the tickets online needed to Q at the ticket counters to redeem their tickets. Unlike us, who got the tix from our tour guide, were bz snapping photos. A family in front of us was stopped at the entrance because they showed only the printed letter w/out getting their tix at the counter. That's the need of early research, my friend! Penat ja berator lama2... I pitied them, but what can i do..? I left the family with a sad feeling but i totally forgot about them the minute i saw Woody...he..he..
Anyway, lets' continue with the tour of the Universal Studios Singapore. When, u enter the studio,
head straight to the popcorn cart @ Hollywood as there is a booth where u can collect the map/USS Guide and also the schedules for the shows.
Sights at Hollywood Street when we entered USS. |
Other sights @ Hollywood |
Cubaan nak membukak taxi x berjaya... |
As read in many blogs, we headed straight to Sci Fi to catch the Transformers ride. When we reached that area, there were already plenty of people there but still the waiting time was only 5 minutes. To tell u truth, we didn't have to Q at all. So. we went in, snapped photos here and there and played the ride. The ride was only OK to me but Faris & Ainie loved it very much to the extent they repeated the ride thrice. And for me? Once is enough...
A lil info about the ride: Kita ni ala2 Sam Witwicky la, where the fate of humankind is in your hands. So, during the ride, u need to race through the city, crossing through tunnels, down town streets and athwart high-rise rooftops, buildings, etc. Ada la adegan jatoh, lompat, optimus sambut kite...macam2la...
Look at the waiting time.... 5 Minutes ONLY... I Like! |
Inside Transformers The Ride. Imagine kalau time org ramai, mest palang tu semua
penuh umat... |
Other shots at Transformers The Ride...
Bumblebee @ the entrance |
Dua org kenit di USS: Peminat tegar Transformers the Ride |
Rasa nk bawak balik aja... |
After Transformers, we all went to ride Accelerator. YG ni biasa2 aja...tp memeningkan kepala, berpusing2.. ala, kat Disneyland dan Sunway Theme Park pon ada, Gneting pon ada, cuma nama sahaja berbeza.
Twirling whirling accelerator! Sempat peace lagik tu...:) |
Then, Faris went on Human Battlestar Galactica with a few of my friends. While Acu, Ainie and I just waited outside. X berani...ngeh...ngeh...
I couldn't locate my son! |
Top: After the ride. Bottom: During the ride. Info from the pamphlet: Human zooms at the speed of
82 km/h and propels u over 14 storeys into the air... My God! |
We skipped Cylon but a few of our friends went on the ride. In fact, Im, Kak Imah's son rode Cylon three times...THREE TIMES! Memang mabok laot...
We proceed to the Ancient Egypt where we were frozen in time @ the era of the pharaoh. A lot of statues here.. Memang cantik sangat tmpt nih...seram pon ada...
Sekitar Ancient Egypt |
3 org penakut posing |
Kepala apa ntah ni,.. Horrus kot? |
Next to the entrance |
We didn't manage to get any photos taken inside revenge of the mummy. tried once at the beginning of the ride when it was not that dark...tp nak tercampak2 kamera...last2 teros simpan. There was one time when the trolley (trolley ke tu? or is it a train?) went backward and it started to get really dark, u couldn't even see yr teeth. Then, mcm2 popped up after that..mummies, imhotep, corpses, fire, etc. u could feel the heat of the fire. But, i couldn't describe it as i shut my eyes almost 90% of the ride...:)
This ride requires u to keep yr bag at the designated lockers with a fee. We didn't keep ours as acu decided not to join the ride.
If u're afraid/not adventurous enough to try the revenge of the mummy, why not try this one..? Memang sangat tak menakutkan...very easy-ride, sesuai untuk acu..he..he..memang acu naik pon yg ni... Introducing...
Treasure Hunters... Naik jip and then u ride through an abandoned excavation site, Egyptian setting, of course. Punyalah slow jeep ni, rasa nak tertido pon ada.. Nasib baikla pemandangannya cantik n exotic.
Some sights at Treasure Hunters. Bottom left: That's my jip (with acu). Faris and Aini were in the front desert jeep. |
Top: The track. Bottom: Along the track... |
The time was almost noon. We, I mean I decided to get an early lunch as i didn't want to get into the heavy traffic of people during lunch. However, I guess this entry is already long esp with all the photos (I had terrible time choosing the photos as there are too many of them..ha..ha..).
Will be continued in the next entry.
Pak Brandon versi kurus..huh.. x serupa langsong!
Wow! I'm amazed there's hardly a long queue when you went there considering that it's a school holiday. May be everyone else was thinking the same so they try to avoid going there during school holidays? Haha! By the way, just to confirm, so if we book and pay for the tickets online, we still need to queue for the ride tickets? Is it the same queue like those who have not booked it online or is there a separate queue?
Hi RBA! I'd been to Egypt already..ha..ha...! I'm not so sure about the separate Qs as I got my tix from the TA. Yes, even if u pay online, u will only get a confirmation slip. U still need to get yr blue colored tix at the counter. Then only u Q at the entrance. The system is the same like Sunway Lagoon. What i know is, USS limits the number of visitors per day. So, sometimes when u just walk in to buy tickets, it might be sold out. A friend of mine walked in twice and they had to walk away empty handed.
ReplyDeleteBest USS ni. Belum ada kesempatan lagi. Takat bergambar kat depan globe tu adalah. Akak tunggu anak akak besar sikit baru nak ke USS nih
ReplyDeleteSalam Kak Ita! Haah, saya ada baca post Spore akak hari tu..U all ada bergambar kat Globe and penjual2 baju tu kan...? Hmmm..kalau baby memang kurang sesuai pasal panas tp kalau dah sekolah rendah tu, dah boleh dah pegik.. Tp, jngn p weekends or long holidays ya, tersangatlah mencabarnya! memang penat berator aja nanti...he..he..
Deletesonoknyerr uoolss gi USS tuu.. uhhhuuu
ReplyDeleteHe..he..seronok... dah p lom?
DeleteMe so want to go to Universal Studios!! huk huk huk
ReplyDeleteApa lagik, Jard.. masok website book tiket...he..he.. ajak Fie..BUT, don't go on a weekend..naya!
Deleteooo...masuk transformers awal2 yer...good !