I don't think it is too late to wish everyone a Happy Raya! I stop blogging for quite sometimes as to concentrate on my routines and jobs. Just submitted all my papers last Monday. So, now i have more time to blog..:) As referring to the title, Movieworld was the last place i went to when I was in GC. Will go back to KL tonight... a week was so short when u were full of plans and plans and plans... Anyway, IMO, Movieworld is quite small compared to the other theme parks that I went to when I was in GC but the rides were amazing. They had categorized the rides into three categories: thrill, family fun and Children. As usual, we were there by 10am. We already had our pass, so we just went straight in. Quite a number of people today as the day was so fine and sunny... Our first stop was Batman Wing. I refused to go onto that giant drop machine but my kids forced me. Hubby had saved himself by sneaking out and hid behind the batmobile. He told us to go ahead as he was the cameraman (what a lame excuse...)
Us on the BatmanWing |

Batmanwing was fun! I had no regret going on the ride. Then, we checked the Green Lantern out. It seemed that the green lantern was out of order that day..."Thanxs goodness...the GL was out...ha..ha..," I told myself. Faris had been dreaming to go on the GL ride... He was a bit frustrated but when he looked at other rides, GL was already a history.
Tipah Tertipu... |
Spooky Scooby Ride... don't be cheated by the cuteness of scooby...! Well, I did..!Even hubby was cheated too. We thought scooby ride was a child's ride. So, dngn senang hati, hubby and I accomponied the kids to go on the ride... Mula2 still OK...later, bila masuk lagu disco dance tu....mak aiii..berpusing2 mcm nak jatuh ke bawah.... Patotla attendant tu pesan, letak kamera kat bawah kaki... Habis tercampak2 semua brg dek lajunya berpusing2...keh..keh.. Nasib baik, mak selamat...! That was the last time I saw my husband went on any rides in Movieworld...Ha..ha...fobia dah dia... After Scooby ride, I checked the indicator labelled inside the pamphlet, and Scooby ride was categorized as thrill ride..patotla pon.... Faris requested for another Scooby ride...X PAYAH...! Once was enough....
After scooby ride we tried to catch the 1st show of the stunt driver but unfortunately we were 15 minutes late and the worker didn't let us in as it was the policy. Once the door was shut, we couldn't go in due to safety reason. We could hear the bombing sound from the outside and it made us fascinated to come back for the 2nd show. Melepas stunt driver, x apalah..kami pun jalan2 la nak ke Looney Tunes Show plak... On the way to Looney Tunes Show terjumpa Musolla a.k.a surau. Cantik suraunya...
Tu...prayer room.. betul2 depan dewan looney show |
The Looney Show... |
After Looney Show, kami jalan2 kat Wild2 West nih... |
Ride ni pon best tp kuyupla... |
We brought some food. Rick's Cafe was under renovation at that time.
Lepak2 after Lunch... People were flocking in fast. By noon the place was already crowded with people. |
The stunt show was superb. We missed the 1st show, so we waited for the 2nd show in the afternoon. The show is on twice a day. Once in the morning, and the other one is later in the afternoon. Kalau x tengok stunt show while in MW, memang x sah masok MW.
Hari ni memang panas betul... rasa mcm kat Pantai Morib jer... |
Tengah merewang2 tanpa arah tujuan, tetiba we saw a lot of people at the main street... Rupa2nya Batman show nak start...So, we joined the crowd and waited for Batman...Memang best..mcm real aja scene tu... Sound effect pon superb! Farah whispered to me...
"mama, ni betol2kan...? benda ni betol2 terjadikkan..?" I nodded and whispered back,
"iye... baik adik duduk diam2..kang joker tangkap kang...." And she sat still until the end of the show...:)
The Batman Show... |
Salah satu adegan Batman Show |
After the show, we went to the Loony Toon Town..Penuh dengan kanak2... Farah was fascinated while Faris was bored to death...
"huh...kids stuff...!"he complained..As if he's not a kid... Sampai dalam tu, die yg beria naik roller coaster sampai 4-5 kalik..naik sorang2 pulak tuh....
The happiest girl... There's nothing more valuable than to see the happiness on your child's face. |
Bosan2 pun, 4 x jugak naik roller coaster nih... |
Other scenes... |
Scooby Doo Show |
We also waited for the parade at 5.30pm. We missed the parade at seaworld as it was cancelled due to unpredictable weather. Parade was fun, not so dragged... All the characters paraded and we got the chance to see the performers and their equipment too. The coolest was the stunt cars...
Before we exited the place, we bought some discounted items at the main entrance. I did ask the worker there,
"why are these items are so much cheaper? Are they of a low quality/torn?" "No, we wanted to clear the stock...,"he said. Well, fair enough! I bought myself a t-shirt and Farah bought a bugs bunny toy half her height and she called it Lola instead of Bugs (this girl is getting weirder...) I also bought the giant tumbler with the word movieworld printed on it like the one in seaworld and universal studio.
Papa & Farah... |
Lelong...lelong... |
The proud owner... |
We got back to the apartment and ate early dinner. I had packed everything last night, so i still had time to relax a bit. The bus stop to the airport was only across the apartment. Checked out was smooth and we got free ride to the airport as the drivers did not charge us the tickets to the airport.
At the airport, the Q was very long...No..no..it was not long...it was very very very lonnngggg... I thought not only u need to Q long for the rides in GC but u also have to Q endlessly at the counter. Bosannnn....
Bye Bye GC... |
I have one last post to write about my GC trip... COMING SOON: Special Edition Tiki Village International & Total Expenses...
dah abes dahhhh...did u try superman? that one was the most scariest ever! hihii.... hppy giler ok dpt tangkap dgn most of the cartoon characters!!!! dream came true
ReplyDeleteYup..abis dah bab jalan2...one more to g actually....;)There were 3 rides which we didnt try. GL was off, superman (aku cepat2 bawak lari anak aku), dan ada lagik satu ride tuh, lupa plak nama .... asylum apa ntah.. yg itu pon aku divert perhatian anak aku supaya die terlupa.. bila atas bus on the way balik, baru die tanya, kenapa x naik yg tuh..? aku wat dunno ajalah... i'm not so keen with all these thrill rides... ada attraction baru lah kan..? justice league 3D. Sept baru bukak
Deleteasylum batman tu, aku try last skali sbb tempat dia agk tersorok. plus, ride dia jenis yg kaki berjuntai tu. hahahah scary gakla. tp aku try skali jela. yg superman pn try skali. alang2 dh sampai. hahaha
Deletetp aritu ade a few yg xde. sedih gak la yg mcm cth 4D punye cerita.
jangan kata budak-budak, kita pon sonok dapat layan pengalaman cam gini :)
ReplyDeleteTepat sekalik, orga...mak budak memang sngt excited...:)
DeleteAssalamualaikum Yong,
ReplyDeletesonoklah bebudak, layannnn!
Bila nak gi Istanbul tu Yong. Kalau bagitau awal boleh akak arrange bawak jenjalan!
Kak yong, kasik email add boleh..?
DeleteWahhh...bestnya part stunt tu..mcm dekat je ngan penonton!!
ReplyDeleteHe..he..memang sangat dkt.. bila meletop tu, terasa bahang api tuh...
DeleteBawa anak2 ke tempat ni seronok kan!