Thursday, 6 February 2014

Bandung revisited (part 3)

I've been quiet a bit lately as my schedule doesn't permit me to write sooner... Cerita Bandong ni dah mcm terbengkalai pon ada... Anyway, this is actually the last part of the trip.
The next day, we woke up early again to continue our adventure in bandong. We're going to Tangkuban Perahu on the 3rd day. People who visit Bandung, normally opt for Tangkuban Perahu instead of Kawah Putih. It's nearer than Kawah Putih, say about 45 minutes drive.  Tangkuban Perahu is still an active volcano site compared to Kawah Putih which is already a domain volcano.  According to Wiki, the volcano erupted as recently as October 5, 2013.  Let's look at some photos captured here.

The crater
To me, Tangkuban Perahu is more touristy than Kawah Putih. There are
variety of stalls selling all kind of stuff mushrooming the terrace. Faris bought
those toys for RP90k per set consisting of 6 acrobatic figurines.

X sah kalau x bergambar kat sini....:)

Banyak kedai2 kan? Tapi, semuanya kena tawar ya... Jangan
main bayar aja... Nanti menyesal...

Penjual kat sini pushy dan aggressive. Paksa orang beli sana-sini.That makes the experience less memorable. Kat sini lah jumpa penjual strawberry manis bergula tu. Seriously sweet, juicy and tasty! We didn't buy any as we had bought some in Kawah Putih yesterday. Stoberi 30 sen tu.... Banyak jugak la kami membeli di Tangkuban ni... Seronok tengok peniaga2 tepi2 tu berniaga. Tp kami X lama sangat di Tangkuban.

Then, we went for lunch at the ever famous Kampung Daun. People always talk about this restaurant, so nak jugak merasa... My opinion? So and so.. interesting ambiance, new dining experience in such a place. Kat KL mana nak merasa makan kat kawasan2 remote ala2 gini....

The place is nicely decorated bersesuaian la  dengan temanya. Ada satu complain, makanan kami x sampai2 kerana dah diberi pada org sebelah yg baru sampai. Makanan org sebelah bagi kat kami.... Aishhh.. lepas tu, mintak sup, sampai ke sudah x dapat2... Overall, tempat makan semalam was way much much better than this one. Price wise? Ok, reasonable.

Rasa? I didn't buy this. So, x tau la rasanya sedap ke idak... Ramai
jugak yg beli

Tu tempat mkn kami...

Cuba teka air apakah ini?
Faris dan Angah

Yang ini wajib beli bila di Bandung ya.. Macam2 flavour ada but my
fav would be chocolate, of course. And don't forget the brownies...
 Cheap, about rm7 per box. Tasty! We also bought
Kek Lapis (various flavours). Ideal untuk diberi kat neighbor2...he..he..
After lunch and prayer, kami singgah dkt kedai kek sekejap. Beli2 kek, lepas tu terus ke Pasar Baru for shopping. x adalah shopping sangat pon, belik luggage share ramai2..dapatla 10kg untk 3 org..he..he... Tp kain sulam2 tu memang sangat murah di Bandung, RP120k yang paling murah...berbaloi la.. kualiti kain pon elok. Pernah tanya die Medan, the price was about double than the one in Bandong.
Antara barangan yang dibeli...
From Pasar Baru, kami menapak balik ke hotel. Dekat aja, saje x nak naik kenderaan bermotor, macet x hengat. Jalan kaki, 10 minit sampai. Pasar Baru tutup awal, petang dah tutup. Lepas mandi2 petang tu, kami siap2 plak nak ke spa. Mula2 ingat nak ke spa yg glamor kat Bandung tu, Zen Spa... tp memandangkan spa yang ini provide free transportation and much nearer to our hotel, so we chose Selaras Spa... Okla, not so bad.
Selaras Spa.
The next day, we packed very early in the morning and departed to the airport. Our flight back to KL was early, around 8.30am... Begitulah berakhirnya kembara kami 3 beranak di Bandung. Total expenses will be published shortly after this post...(shortly is very subjective ya, it could take months to be published..he..he..)

Bye Bye Bandong...:)


  1. suka statement last tu farikica, hehe...indon tak sampai lagi ni, boleh la korek-korek info nanti.air dekat atas tu macam cendol jer, tapi mungkin versi indon, hm...

    1. Ya btl, cendol...pandai! Tp pekat, likat melekat santannya. Yg hitam besar2 tu cincau. Punyalah besar....mmgla versi indon rasanya.. la orga, jepon korea semua dh lps, takkan negara jiran nk tunggu lama2 ni..:) tp collateral damage shopping kt bandung mmg x blh nk disangkal. Sediala pre-luggage 60kg..he..he..

  2. revisited..wah..mmg misi merepit ek..betul tu...JM dulu pun ke tangkuban perahu ni..maybe next visit ke Kawah putih lak...ada ke next visit :-)

    Kampung juga menjadi pilihan di kalangan tourist from msia kan..tak pegi floating village ke :-)

    1. Floating village? X p la JM... ada ape kt situ? Masa p kali ni saya skip FO dn kln Dagor sumer tu.. coz dulu dh p.. cuma ke pasar baru je kli ni... lebih kpd sightseeing this time around...:)

  3. shopping time!!hahaha..

    part paling best kalau ke pasar baru bila perhatikan gelagat rakyat msia berbelanja..fuhhh, macam2..hehehe

    1. Hmmm... x sempat perati ritu coz kami p sekejap ja.. dlm sejam lebih sikit kot... tp yela kot... malaysians mmg suka shopping...he..he

  4. Rugila tak ke floating market tu sbb itu tarikan terbaru di Lembang dan tak begitu jauh dari Tangkuban Perahu...

    1. Oh ya ka? Bila bukaknya? Saya p ni bln 9 2013. Update je yg lmbt.. he..he.. Dh bukak ke time tu?

  5. syiok je bile fikir2 p negara org yg cheaper dr negara kite ek..

    1. FM, skrng blh berjln bertiga-tigaan u....:)

  6. Farikica your blog is mabeles i like ☺



Selepas lunch, kami teruskan lagi perjalanan yang panjang sampai lah petang.  Look at the view.. Magnificent!  We crossed the High Atlas Mou...

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