It was about 3.30 pm when we arrived at our hotel. Keep our shopping stuff, solat skejap and by 4.45 mcm tu we were already at Darling Harbour. We walked to the harbour as it was just a stone's throw away from our hotel. If u wanna take a cab, it would cost u about AUD6.50 (from our hotel la...he..he..). Teksi kat Sydney cepat betol meter die jalan, mcm air lajunya...hihihi....

So, sampai Darling Harvor, memang org ramai..Ntah kenapa it reminded me of N Seoul Tower plak where people loafing around with kids, friends and family members feeling so happy and carefree.... Tanpa melengahkan masa, tangkap gambar sat.
Nmpk choo choo train itu? AUD5 regardless where u stop.
Konsepnya once u hop, AUD5. |
U cn also refer to the signage
For direction but the tourist
Info centre is just around the
Corner. |
One of the recreational xtvts here on a Sunday |
Another type of xtvt |
Twilight @ Darling Harbor. Stunning! |
Then, we walked to Madame Tussauds Sydney (MTS). It is located on the eastern side of Darling Harbour to the north of the Pyrmont Bridge.To go to MTS, u just follow the signage to the aquarium. Memang x ada sign Madamme Tussauds, cume ada sign aquarium tu, kite ikot jer, coz sebelah2. We bought the 5 in 1 attraction tickets. Harganya AUD63 for 5 attractions. Can be bought online only for the discounted price. Kalau belik 3 in 1 pon AUD 63, if 4 in 1 pon AUD 63, 5 in 1 pon sama juga harganya.... Actually the 3 attractions are next to each other except for Sydney Tower (kat belakang sikit) and Manly Sealife (kena naik feri).
MTS opening time is from 9:00am to 8.00pm, with last admission at 7.00pm, every day of the year. Jom masuk tengok2 dalam Madame Tussauds Sydney...
Antara yang kami x kenal... perhaps explorers of Oz kot...
Antara yg dikenali....hehehe...
Kenalkan.... ? |
Antara aksi berangan pula... |
MJ: 3 dif faces |
Actually, I've been to the one in Bangkok
(click here for recap) but since ade permintaan dari gang rombongan, so bolehla masuk lagik sekalik...(Sepatutnya post Thailand tu dibahagi dua, tp x ada masa nak buat lagi..he..he.. so, cerita ke Madame Bangkok tu nun di bawah skalik ya!) Overall, figurines lebih kurang sama cuma mcm di Bangkok banyak ada patung2 org tempatan mereka, dan di Sydney banyak ade patung org tempatan mereka... Tapi, kat Bangkok ada Tun M...kat Sydney x ade plak nampak...he..he... My friend's daughter was looking forward to see One Direction's wax figures but too bad mereka dah balik UK ler, kakak!... hihihi...x pa, nanti u p Madame Tussauds London, mesti ada!
We're proud of u, Tun! @ Madame Tussauds Bangkok (2011) |
I'm so surprised when they don't sell signature
Madame Tussauds FM here...ape daaa....!!! |
Lepas posing2 with the mannequins, kami p sebelah...Sydney Sealife Aquarium. Ala2 KLCC..mcm2 hidupan laut ade...Oklah, x la outstanding sangat..biasa2 ja...he.he... opening hours: 9am - 8.00 pm. Jom layan gambar.

Last sekali, kami pergi Sydney Tower. Sama sejibon mcm
Skypoint kat Gold Coast. Kami pergi tower ni last skalik coz mereka buka sampai malam. Masa nak naik ke atas tu, kami mcm nak sesat pon ade, coz x ade sangat signboard menunjukkan ke Sydney Tower.
Sydney Tower terletak dlm bangunan Westfield.
Bezanya di sini dan di GC ialah kat sini ada 4D show (inclusive in yr ticket fee)... lepas tngk 4D show, kami layanla pemandangan sekitar Sydney di waktu malam. Personally, view kat Gold Coast lagi cantik kot, coz blh nampak Surfer's paradise...memang sangat cantik... In addition, kat GC lebih friendly, ada org sambut, bawak kite naik...tangkap gambar..Yg di Sydney ni mcm hidup segan mati x mau sikit...hihihi....
opening hours: 9 am - 10.30 pm.
This way to Westfield |
Westfield ni bangunan
Shopping complex. Klu dkt GC dulu.
Skypoint dlm kaw residential. |
Shopping complex ala2 Starhill n Pavi. Tp waktu kami sampai
semua dh tutup. . Tutup kol 5 kan.... |
Some info on the tower adapted from Wiki:
Sydney Tower is Sydney's tallest building and the third tallest in Australia. However by non-floor height or spire height, it is the second tallest in Australia. It is also the second tallest observation tower in the Southern Hemisphere.
Journey to the peak only takes u a few seconds.
Berdengung telinga.... |
Ade jugak Petronas KLCC sini.....:) |
Enjoying the night view |
Sydney Metropolitan |
Habis tengok2 view Sydney di waktu malam, perut pon dah melapar, so kami pon singgah kedai semalam.. makan la..ape lagik...
That's the end of our day..Fuhhh....What a day!
Wah bertuahnya dapat bergambar dengan President Obama, Dr M, David Beckham, MJ, Back to the Future, ET, etc :D
ReplyDeletePalsu semuanya prof...haha... berangan lebih...
DeleteDulu kami lalu je depan semua tempat2 ni, budget traveller katanya walhal duit x cukup :-) klau dh 3 in 1 pun aud63 better ambil 5 in 1 kan fary. mmg dh berangan nk madame tussaud d bangkok 14 hb nanti tp terpaksa cancel huhuhu klau x leh jumpa Tun Mahathir :-)
ReplyDeleteX de rezeki JM.. saya pon ingt nk ke krabi/phuket road trip tp cancel.. confirm x dpt kelulusan..itulah.. org dh bg 5.. ambik ajela..haha...
DeleteDalam banyak tarikan tu saya cuma naik ke Sydney Tower je sebab tak punya banyak masa... Tiketnya beli online dan dapat diskaun 30%. Memang susah nak cari pintu masuknya...
ReplyDeleteItulah mie. .saya rasa mcm kurang customer friendly. .. kmi hr tu pon x menang tngn.. masa terhad, semua benda nk buat kluar pg, lps b'fast kt hotel, mlm2 buta bru blik...haha. ..
DeleteSydney Tower macam Skytree Tokyo gak. Dalam mall. Rasanya Sydney utamakan attraction kat luar kot tu yang macam xamik port sangat nak memeriahkan ST tu.
ReplyDeleteNtahla... perhaps coz I p mlm kot... ohh... skytree pon dlm mall ya?
DeleteKami pun hanya naik Sydney tower je..beli tiket online memang lagi murah. Kebetulan hotel yang kami duduk kat sydney tu, hanya 100m dari sydney tower.
ReplyDeleteMT dan aquarium , zoo tu..hanya bergambar dari luar jer. Kami tak minat nak masuk MT tu sebab dari review orang...kata banyak local punya tokoh atau artis je...So kami berpuas hati hanya masuk Red carpet kat i-City jer lah..hehehe...dasar kudukut kannnn !!!
MT kat mna2 lebih kurang aja.. tokoh, celebrities and sportsmen..perhaps yg di London tu besar sikit rasanya... hr tu kat MT Sydney, attraction terbaru mereka Prince William & Kate... Tp seronokla Kak Ita..u should try..(memang dasar suka berangan saya nih...)
Deletetp bila dah masuk sekalik, x yah masuk lagi dah coz lebih krang sama je interactive xtvts nya. kami x minat sngt tower tu tp since dh 5 in 1 inclusive of the tower... masokla..he..he..